Rock News

STABBING WESTWARD Vocalist CHRISTOPHER HALL Diagnosed With Throat Cancer

todayJuly 28, 2022


STABBING WESTWARD vocalist Christopher Hall has been diagnosed with throat cancer. As a result, the band has been forced to cancel its previously announced shows this summer while he undergoes treatment for the disease.

On Wednesday night (July 27), Hall took to STABBING WESTWARD‘s social media to write: “I’d like to apologize to everyone who made travel plans to see us in August and September. We’ve had to put those shows on hold while I deal with a serious health issue. I’ve been diagnosed with throat cancer. prognosis is really good but it’s going to involve a couple of surgeries and 6-8 weeks of chemo and radiation. So unfortunately, I won’t be singing anytime soon. I’m hoping to be feeling more human by Halloween and have my voice back by Christmas. So again, sorry for the inconvenience.”

STABBING WESTWARD‘s latest album, “Chasing Ghosts”, was released in March, marking the influential industrial rock band’s first new LP in more than 20 years.

“Chasing Ghosts” was made available via COP International Records. It features 10 tracks that showcase the industrial rock band’s characteristic sound with a modern sheen that picks up right where they left off with their last full-length in 2001. With the new tracks, STABBING WESTWARD has not only managed stay true to their original sound, but also expanded it to fit the frantic new reality of the 21st century.

To recreate that original chemistry, the band recruited the legendary producer John Fryer to again helm “Chasing Ghosts”Fryer, whose production credits include DEPECHE MODENINE INCH NAILS4ADCOCTEAU TWINS and LOVE AND ROCKETS, originally worked with STABBING WESTWARD on their best-selling early releases “Ungod” (1994) and “Wither Blister Burn + Peel” (1996). “Chasing Ghosts” was also mastered by Tom Baker who, like Fryer, worked with STABBING WESTWARD on their early releases and is part of the reassembled production team on the latest album.


Written by: Andy

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